- To read about my recommendations of reasonable, affordable, and convenient hotels in Kyoto, visit: Kyoto reasonable, affordable, and convenient Hotels
- To read about my recommendations of affordable and reasonable hotels in Osaka, visit: Osaka Reasonable Affordable Hotels
- To read about my recommendations of affordable, Reasonable, Convenient hotels in Tokyo, visit: Affordable Cheap Reasonable Hotels in Tokyo
There are many ways to get to Himeji, the best option is the high speed Shinkansen bullet train that makes day-trips from Osaka (~30 minutes one way) or Kyoto (~55 minutes) and even Tokyo (~3 hours) possible. Low cost long distance night bus are also available from Tokyo or Kansai area.
After arriving at Himeji station, Himeji tourism office staff directed me to go across the skybridge to the Shinki bus 神姫 バス company office that takes visitors to the base of Mount Shoshazan at a reasonable price (~28 minutes). Black color taxi cab is also readily available at a premium price.
Shinki Bus office staff recommended purchasing Shoshazan Ropeway 書写山ロープウェイset ticket at discounted price of 1300 yen.The package set ticket covers for the round trip bus ride from Himeji station area to Shoshazan Ropeway station at the base of the mountain, as well as the round trip tickets of aerial cable car from the base to the peak of the mountain.
Bring your bus ticket to bus stop number 10 to board the bus. (you can also look for bus stop with symbols of ropeway cable car) This particular bus route runs quite frequently.
Shoshazan Ropeway station is located right at the base of Mount Shoshazan. Schedule board at the entrance shows the aerial cable car runs every 15 minutes. Just show package ticket to the station staff and walk right into the cable car.
The interior of aerial cable car was quite spacious but only two chairs were available. Front and back of the cable car offer mesmerizing views of the mountain and city of Himeji.
Visitors can borrow a bamboo stick at the start of the mountain trail entrance. the entrance fee to enter the sightseeing area was about 500 yen. The trails is quite steep, but optional bus ride is available for those who are mobility challenged,
I paid an additional 500 yen to have the round-trip bus take me from the entrance of the trail up the steep hill. Mountainous ride took less than 5 minutes each way.
Shoshazan mountain remains one of the best preserved historical sites in Japan. Every moment in the mountainous area felt like I was traveling in time in the past 1000 years.
Stairs to the Engyoji temple Mani-den 摩尼殿. The history of the ancient sites of Shoshazan can trace back to year 966, more than one millennium ago.
To many Japanese, Engyoji temple is not only a pilgrimage for worshiping, many middle-age and elderly visitors were wearing their sporty outfit for the sacred mountain hike.
Engyoji temple is one of the most sacred temple in the Himeji area due to the well preserved architecture, interior and ancient history.
From Engyoji temple, the red arrow points guests to the path to the main square of the Three Halls, Mitsu-no-do 三つの堂: Jiki-do / 食堂, Dai-ko-do / 大講堂, and Jogyo-do / 常行堂
Remember to use the bamboo cane for the rocky road to the main square of Enjyoji Jikido.
At the end of the rocky forest path, the entrance to the Three Halls Mitsu-no-do 三つの堂 brings back the memory of watching blockbuster movie The Last Samurai when Tom Cruise visits Ken Watanabe
Scene from the movie Last Samurai at Engyoji Three Halls Mitsu-no-do 三つの堂 was mesmerizing to movie fans like myself.
Supposedly a food hall, Jiki-do / 食堂, the building was opened to guests who takes off their shoes before entering.
Showcasing the the scene from Last Samurai, there were poster and displays from the famous scene of the conversation between the two lead actors.
I believe the hall is now offering classes in meditation and possibly calligraphy to guests who make reservations.
Second floor of the Jiki-do / 食堂, there were historical and religious artifacts on display.
Deeply rooted culture and religious ancient statues were memorable after viewing.
Balcony of the Engyoji Jiki-do / 食堂 building offers a commanding view of the Three Hall square. Nearby Kaizan-do / 開山堂 is also a memorable filming site of important scenes in the movie Last Samurai.
Following the same trail back, views from the cable car looking over Himeji was amazing. The ropeway cable car ride permits visitors to enjoy the view for about 4 minutes one way.
For a more fulfilling day trip to Himeji area, I would recommend travelers to visit Shoshazan Engyoji temple in the morning, then plan visiting Himeji Castle 姫路城, one of the most beautiful castles in Japan, in the afternoon. Since Shinki Bus 神姫 バス stops at Himeji castle entrance on the way from Mount Shoshazan to Himeji JR station, just get off at the bus stop and tour Himeji castle (1000 yen entrance fee).

1. Himeji Castle and Akashi Kaikyo Bridge from Osaka
2. Himeji Castle and Akashi Kaikyo Bridge from Kyoto
Fast bullet train remains the most efficient way to get to Himeji JR station from Tokyo or Osaka/Kyoto and even Hiroshima/Hakata. Express bus company such as Willer Express offers more affordable options for travelers to get to Himeji.
From Himeji JR station area, I recommend travelers to take local Shinki bus to the Shoshazan Ropeway station to the top of the mountain. Taxi could be another reasonable options for bigger groups that can split the cost of expensive taxi fare.
Last Samurai,
라스트 사무라이
Le Dernier Samouraï
El último samurái
L'ultimo samurai
Võ sĩ đạo cuối cùng, Võ sĩ Samurai cuối cùng
Последний самурай
Himeji, 姬路市, 姫路城
Cơ Lộ thị
Samurai, 侍, 武士, 武家; 武士道, ぶしどう, 무사도, Бусидо́
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